Take 5 to Grow

Jesus calls us to be his witnesses and to disciple others (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20). This means that if you’re a follower of Jesus, you’re a leader. As a leader, you are entrusted with the responsibility to share the gospel, guide others in their faith journey, and live out the teachings of Jesus in your daily life. Your actions, words, and character become a testimony to God's love and grace, inspiring and encouraging others to grow in their relationship with him. By embracing this role, you become vital to God's mission to transform lives and spread his kingdom on earth. What a wonderful privilege and responsibility!

For this reason, we must continue to grow in our leadership skills and character development. Foraging the internet for useful leadership tips can be exhausting or time-consuming. So, I’d like to save you that time and energy with our Take 5 Newsletter.

Twice a month, Trochia Ministries curates five quick and thoughtful resources for your leadership journey and sends them in one email directly to your inbox. No searching or typing. Enjoying these leadership tips is just a click away. I have included a sample below of one of our Newsletters. I hope it blesses you!

To receive our bimonthly Take 5 Newsletter, click the button below.

📖  Read: Four Things Kids Need from Parents and Mentors. For most of us, our time is our most precious resource. Invest quality time with the kids in your life this summer to help them see a picture of their more perfect Heavenly Father. Read the blog on Trochia.

🎧  Listen: Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Generosity and Stewardship. What do you think of when you hear the word "generosity"? You are likely envisioning giving financially to someone in need, your church, or a ministry you are involved in. But generosity is so much more than that. You can be generous with your time, talents, or treasure. Join Kayleigh and me as we unpack the spiritual gift of generosity. Listen to the podcast.  

🏡  Practice: The Simple Power of Christian Hospitality. Pastor John Rakshith Prabhakar writes, "Christian hospitality takes the ordinary and commits its resources to extraordinary use." He beautifully unpacks the theology of home and helps us to see our kitchen tables as "outposts of God's Kingdom." Read the entire article from the Gospel Coalition.

☀️  Practice: 10 Small Ways to Be Generous This Summer.  It doesn't take a big bank account to have a significant impact. Read over this fun list as a family and pick a few ways to practice the art of generosity this summer. See the list. 

📺  Watch: Stories of Generous Givers. Explore a collection of powerful videos that showcase stories of generosity from around the world. Honestly, these stories changed how my husband and I give, and I am sure they’ll inspire and encourage you to live a generous life. From how our grandkids can inspire our lives to using a hard-earned college fund to plant a new church, each video is just a few minutes long but could change how you give.  
Watch one or two stories today.

Just for fun: Radical generosity has the power to transform lives. Read Warren Buffett's giving pledge that inspired 240+ billionaires to donate the majority of their wealth!

 “Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 (CSB)


A Note from My Heart to Yours 🫶🏼