Invite Inés Franklin
Are you looking for a humble, dynamic, inspired, and educated speaker on spiritual formation for your gathering?
What People Are Saying:
“Inés Franklin’s reputation as a speaker, teacher and preacher is built on her ability to speak with biblical wisdom, enthusiasm and vulnerability. She courageously shares from her personal testimony and experiences. Audiences say that she is fun, inspirational, and passionate about God’s word and the message of Jesus.”
“Her messages have insight, depth, great stories, practical application, and lasting impact.”
“Inés brings a message of God’s unlimited grace to those who struggle to believe it is for them. She’s a wonderful example and messenger of God’s unfathomable love and patience with each of us.”
Preaching the Gospel & Speaking Topics
Exegetical Bible-Teaching/Preaching
Navigating the Journey of Faith
Personal Testimony of God’s Grace
Embracing Wholeness Beyond Shame
The 4 Traits of a Thriving Faith
Unveiling Your Unique Story
Thriving in a Blended Family
Divorce Recovery
Living Authentic and Faithful
Rising Above the Comparison Trap
Sample Message: Freedom from Shame
We know the feeling. Many of us have made poor decisions, errors of judgment, or foolish actions. Things we thought we’d never do. The enemy uses the shame of those decisions to lead us away from our faith. We're tempted to assume God wouldn’t want us or love us. But he does–always! Watch Inés sermon to see how Jesus redeemed Peter even after Peter denied knowing him.

About Inés Franklin
Inés is compelled to tell everyone about Jesus, his Truth, and the redemption that is possible when we put our trust in him. She is passionate about learning and teaching God’s word.
At 40 years old, Inés was towing what felt like a giant U-Haul truck full of shame from her past mistakes, poor choices, and rebellion – all while trying to be a good person! Some might say that her story is similar to the woman who met Jesus at the well in John 4, a daughter of the King, but lost.
Thankfully, Jesus pursued Ines and offered her the forgiveness and love that changes everything. Now, she is a pastor, the founder of Trochia Ministries, an online discipleship ministry, as well as a Teaching Pastor at Mariners Church. She completed a Master of Divinity at Fuller Seminary and is eager to share the good news of Jesus Christ at every opportunity and avenue.
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, her transformed life is a powerful testimony of God’s grace. Inés’ life experience, seminary education, and eleven years of teaching God’s word have trained and equipped her to speak effectively on matters of faith.