
Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Worship

The word "worship" is often associated with music, and that's not wrong. But worship is so much more than that—worship is a heart posture toward God. Join Inés Franklin and Kayleigh Antenucci as they discuss all the different facets of worship, and how you can assign worth to God in this week's spiritual practice.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Examen & Journaling

When you hear about the spiritual practice of "examen," you may ask yourself, "What is that?" It can seem vague or mystical, but the spiritual practice of examen and journaling is one you may already do in your everyday life. Join Inés Franklin and Kayleigh Antenucci as they discuss what the spiritual practice of examen and journaling is, and well as why the two are connected.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Discernment

What is discernment, and is it something that is available to everyone? Discernment can feel like a vague Christian term, but on this podcast episode, Inés Franklin and Kayleigh Antenucci wanted to make it easy to understand and unpack the spiritual practice of discernment and more. Join them as they discuss their own experiences with learning the practice of discernment and some tangible tips on how to learn the discipline of discernment for yourself.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Generosity and Stewardship

When you hear the word "generosity" what do you think of? You are likely envisioning giving financially to someone in need, your church, or a ministry you are involved in. But generosity is so much more than that. You can be generous with your time, talents, or treasure. Join Ines and Kayleigh as they unpack the spiritual gift of generosity on this podcast episode.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Bible Study

Bible study is a necessary tool for our journey of faith, but it can feel daunting. Where do you start? How do you study? How do you glean any wisdom from it? Join Inés and Kayleigh on this podcast episode where they provide practical handles for the discipline of studying the Bible. Whether you have never read the Bible, or have read it for years, this conversation is sure to have something for you.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for Deeper Intimacy with God: Presence

The late Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch holocaust survivor, once wrote, "I've experienced His Presence in the deepest darkest hell that men can create...I have tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them."

Amen! God is always with us. It is truly wonderful to experience God’s nearness, especially when in desperate situations. But, how do we know if we are truly experiencing the gift of God's presence?

Even if you've been walking with Jesus for a while, your ability to experience God's presence may, at times, feel mysterious. It can leave you wondering, "Was that God?" or “Has God left me?” This is why the spiritual practice of making ourselves open to sense God's nearness as He is revealed in Scripture is essential for us to flourish on our faith journey.

Join Inés and Kayleigh as they continue their series on spiritual practices and unpack the practice of The Presence.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Spiritual Practices for a Deeper Intimacy with God: Prayer

Have you ever felt like you don't know how to pray? Or maybe you feel embarrassed by your own prayers when you listen to someone pray aloud? Join Inés and Kayleigh as they discuss the spiritual discipline of prayer and go over a multitude of ways you can pray on this week's podcast.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Introduction to Christian Spiritual Practices

Have you ever heard of spiritual practices? Maybe that phrase seems really complicated to you or maybe you already have your favorite practices that you are implementing every day. Either way, join Inés Franklin and Kayleigh Antenucci for this mini-episode about what spiritual practices are and a sneak peek regarding upcoming episodes!

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Bible History and Our Faith with Susan Lim

Have you ever wondered how the Bible was crafted into the 66 books we know today? Listen in to this enlightening episode of Uncharted with Susan Lim, while Ines, Kayleigh, and Susan unravel the threads of history and faith. Susan's personal spiritual journey meets her groundbreaking book, "Light of the Word," for a fascinating and in-depth conversation that looks at the past and shapes our present faith.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Wanting God Just a Little Bit More with Ines Franklin

We all have the tendency to crave certainty in an ever-changing world. This can lead us to be filled with worry, anxiety, and fear when facing life's uncertainties. Ironically, arriving at whatever certainty we seek can keep us from growing in our faith. How do we find peace and stability and yet remain open to continued growth?

Join the conversation with Inés as she explores how, amid life’s unpredictability, trusting in the faithfulness of our loving God is a soothing balm, offering peace and stability, but it is also the instrument God uses to grow us in Christlikeness. 

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Generational Christianity, Rebellion, and Redemption with Christian Mungai

“God whispers to us in pleasure, but he shouts to us in pain.” These are the words of Pastor Christian Mungai as he joins Inés and Kayleigh to share his powerful story of rebellion, redemption, and growth that can only come in our most desperate moments. Listen in as Christian unpacks how God has used his seasons of greatest need—from facing prison time to struggling with homelessness—to shape him into the man and leader he is today.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Keeping Your Faith Through the Good and the Bad with Kayleigh Rogers

Continuing to trust God in the midst of our toughest trials is challenging to say the least. But remaining faithful when things are looking up presents its own challenges. What does a steady faith actually look like, and how can we remain faith-filled in the midst of life’s lowest lows and highest highs? Join the conversation as Inés and Kayleigh discuss the impact of life’s ups and downs and what they have learned about clinging tightly to God and his heavenly perspective through it all.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Sorrow Doesn’t End Your Faith with Kaitlin Elliott

How do we make sense of grief? And what does it look like to trust God, even with little understanding as to why we are facing these difficult circumstances? These are the questions Kaitlin Elliott has been forced to wrestle with throughout her adult life. Facing the loss of both her brother and mother, Kaitlin joins Inés and Kayleigh to share her painful and confusing journey with grief and how—even without clear answers—God has brought about a “slow awakening” to healing and peace.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Navigating Spiritual Ambiguity with Kayleigh Antenucci

It’s terrifying to feel out of control, especially when the road ahead lacks the clarity we feel we need to navigate it well. From our callings to difficult seasons of life to simply what the future holds for us, life is full of ambiguity—foggy futures lacking certainty. But what if an embrace of ambiguity was actually the best thing for us?

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Good Baggage with Ike Miller

Pastor Ike Miller joins the show to talk about his new book Good Baggage: How Your Difficult Childhood Prepared You for Healthy Relationships. Listen in as Ike discusses with Inés and Kayleigh some of the practical ways that we can engage the traumatic aspects of our past as a way of allowing God to bring about good in our present and future relationships.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

The Paradox of Christian Community

Is Christian community a good thing? The obvious answer is, “Of course!” But often our connection to other Christians carries with it tons of complexity and complication. In this episode, join Inés and Kayleigh as they discuss how our sense of community is shaped by our histories, and what it might look like to reclaim God’s good intention for community, even in the midst of a imperfect world and Church.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

God's Messy Business: How Miracles Break the Mold | With Ashley Neff

Staying in California was never part of Ashley’s plan. Nor was receiving a cancer diagnosis at age 35 or not having a husband or kids in her late 30s. But in all this God has shown a greater plan than Ashley could have ever dreamed up for herself. Join Inés and Kayleigh as they welcome their dear friend Ashley Neff to talk about when life doesn’t go “according to plan” and how to navigate a life of both heartbreak and immense joy, as Ashely shares what it means to embrace the messiness of miracles.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Daring to Walk the Path Less Preached | With Jordan Durso

Pastor and Community Developer, Jordan Durso, joins the show to share about how God’s calling has taken him on an adventure all over the world and taught him about what it truly means to be a servant of God and others. Listen in as he, Inés, and Kayleigh talk about everything from life in the wilderness to community to hearing God’s voice.

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Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin Story, Theology, Relationships, Uncharted Podcast Inés Franklin

Eclipsed by Envy: Releasing Our Faith From the Shadow of Comparison

Despite its dangers, comparison has become a part of our everyday lives. From work to family, our looks to our calling, the temptation to compare our situation with that of others is especially potent in today’s social media age. Join the conversation as Inés and Kayleigh unpack the toxic comparison culture that has infiltrated our society and how we might use disciplines of prayerful journaling, regular gratitude, and resetting our mindset to refocus our attention on Jesus and his purposes for our lives.

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