You Have Permission…to Deconstruct with Dan Koch
The journey of faith isn't always linear. It can be like a winding road, full of twists and turns. Sometimes, to our surprise, we might find ourselves feeling disconnected, asking questions about beliefs once held secure, having doubts, even struggling to trust the people who have led us. So much feels vague and unclear during deconstruction seasons that It can be frightening. If we have the courage to share about it, others might respond with judgment or distance themselves for fear of catching the doubt bug. This only adds to the isolation we feel. In recent years, more people are willing to talk about these experiences, and I am glad. Because Jesus walks with us, this unsought journey inward does not have to lead us to the end of our faith. Rather it becomes a pursuit of personal integrity in our relationship with God, His Word, and His people. Such an effort, especially when done in community with others who care about us and are wise, can lead us to a more beautiful and deeper understanding of both ourselves and God, as opposed to what others want us to believe. It is a slow and courageous process, but a fruitful one nevertheless.
In this conversation with Dan Koch, we hear how he ended up in the "deconstruction" zone and how what he learned has equipped him to help others find a deeper hope and a more beautiful faith. I am so grateful for Dan sharing with us his story and wisdom with such graciousness.
Check out all of Dan's podcasting work at
Check out Dan's website created with Sarey Martin Concepcion -