Overcoming Faith Struggles:Relying on God When We’re in Need of a Miracle
Life is full of struggles and challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and sometimes defeated. Whether it’s a health crisis, financial hardship, or relationship problems, these difficult times can shake our faith and leave us feeling lost and alone.
However, it’s during these moments of struggle that we have the opportunity to turn to God and rely on his strength and guidance. As Scripture reminds us, when we are weak, God is strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).
Do you need a MIRACLE today? Do you need God to intervene, cause healing, break a stronghold, bring something dead back to life? Do you need Jesus’ miraculous help to overcome a faith struggle in your own life? He is faithful to hear your prayer, but he may respond differently than you’d expect.
A miracle is defined by "Merriam Webster" as: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment; an event manifesting divine intervention, a wonderful occurrence.
Those of us who put our faith in Jesus believe that he did mighty miracles, and he is still doing them today. But that doesn't mean that God answers the way we might expect or in timing that matches our demands.
Jesus was close to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They hosted Jesus at their home and enjoyed many meals together. If Jesus was going to do a miracle, you'd think it would be for his closest friends first and quickly. But the story in John 11 surprises us. Jesus delays doing the miracle, and he waits for the perfect timing.
Here is Jesus' response:
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea." John 11:5-7
Imagine the disciples who observed Jesus lingering around for a few more days after such dire news. This is not the response we'd expect from Jesus, considering he "loved" Lazarus and his sisters. Remember the miracle of the royal official's son? Jesus did not go with the royal official, despite the man's begging: but he healed the child from afar. The moment Jesus told the royal official, "Your son will live," at that very moment, the boy's fever left him. It would seem reasonable for the disciples, now having traveled with Jesus for some time, to assume that he was doing a similar thing. No need to rush back. Jesus probably already healed the man. But he didn't.
Jesus had something greater in mind. He did raise Lazarus back to life, demonstrating he has power over death, our worst enemy. But he also sparked the final controversy that led to his death. And by his death and resurrection, it would not just be Lazarus who would experience a miracle, but the whole world!
Is it possible that we do not expect a miracle from God in the midst of our faith struggles because we have set our expectations too low?
Jesus cares! HE CARES! He has a tender heart for us. He wept for Lazarus, and he weeps for us. He is active in our lives and our circumstances.
When we are waiting in the midst of our pain and difficulty, when God's response to our prayer for miracles doesn't happen as we expect, we have a decision to make.
Will we trust? Will he hold on to our hope?
After hearing that Jesus was crucified, the two guys on the road to Emmaus had lost hope and were in a crisis of faith (Luke 24:21). The miracle they were expecting did not happen, so they thought. They were wrong! The miracle was walking with them, talking to them, staying by them, and eating a meal with them. Their eyes were not opened until the right time. Their eyes were opened when they trusted Jesus. Oh, the jolt of that moment! Oh, the surprise! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
My dear friend, let us be people that look for miracles, anticipate them, but also trust that the Lord's timing is perfect and his purposes much greater than we can imagine.
Earthly miracles point to heavenly truth: Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God! Our Savior! Death is the ultimate enemy to be conquered, and it's already done (John 11:26). Jesus gave us life by surrendering his.
Do you need a miracle? Where are you struggling with your faith? Where do you need God to intervene in your life? What would it look like to trust that this very moment Christ knows what you need and is working for your good?
Through prayer and reading the Bible, we can find comfort and reassurance that we’re not alone in our struggles. God promises to never leave us or forsake us, and He is always with us.
How might we continue to lean into his presence recognizing that, even in our darkest and most difficult moments, he is on the road by our side?
To learn more about leaning into God’s presence Download our free, downloadable Introduction to Spiritual Practices.
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If you want to live fully surrendered to Jesus, trusting in His miracles and perfect love, I wrote this book for you. Learn more here!