Partners in Relationship

From the beginning, in Genesis 2, the Bible establishes that we were not meant to do life alone. "It is not good…" Gen 2:18 The first time God said this in the creation narrative. The love between husband and wife has the potential to reflect the good news of the Gospel; that is because human love reflects God's love for his people.

Paul relates marriage to the saving work of Jesus. In marriage, we are to do for each other as God did for us in Jesus. Jesus gave himself up, made himself nothing, died a shameful death (Philippians 2) for his bride.

Paul also reminds us of the sacrificial mutual submission we're called to in marriage in Ephesians 5. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, this type of mutual submission can go woefully wrong and be impossible to sustain even if it goes well. The power dynamics of human broken relationships make this passage a prime reason to lord over someone and take advantage of a spouse's act of service. 

In Tim Keller's words, "The Bible teaches that the essence of marriage is a sacrificial commitment to the good of the other." In so doing, marriage is unique to other relationships. It has a purpose beyond having children and building a home. Its intentional value and goal go beyond the needs of the couple or family. It reflects God's love in so many ways. It is designed to form us, mold us, transform us into the image of God's Son, Jesus. 

Let us pray for our marriages (if you are married), the marriages of people we know, or, if you are single hoping to get married, for your future spouse.

Q. What have you learned from marriage (yours or someone else's) that you may not be able to learn any other way? How has a beautiful marriage ministered to you?

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The Benefit of Accountability


Lovers in Relationship