Relating with a New Family
Have you ever taken a trip that goes wrong? You know, like the story in the movie “Summer Vacation” when Griswold’s taking their family to Wally World, and everything was thrown into disarray.
Years ago, we took our children on a camping trip that will forever be in our memory books. On the drive up, we lost our lawn chairs from the top of our jeep. They went flying on the freeway across several lanes. We were relieved that none were injured, and no car was damaged. But things got worst from there. You'll have to watch the devotional this week to hear about all that happened!
Sometimes in life, we end up where we did not plan or expect to be. Things don’t happen the way we expected. And a string of events can leave us breathless and wondering what just happened? When we don’t know the way forward and there is no way back, how do we find our peace?
One such unsettling experience is becoming part of a blended family. If you’ve become a stepchild, your parents made decisions over which you had no control. You are now in a family you did not choose and may not even like. If you’re a stepparent, you are inserted into the life of someone who may struggle to accept you or outright reject you. Is it possible to build some level of unity in a blended family? Yes, it is possible. For nothing is impossible for God.
Mephibosheth was living the most unexpected life. The son of a king, now crippled for life, was living in fear, hiding, and depending on others to keep him safe and alive. But the Lord saw his struggle and through David, brought him to a place of safety and wholeness once again. He becomes part of David’s family, treated like a son, seated at the king’s table for the rest of his life. The story of Mephibosheth is a picture of God’s generous lovingkindness.
God has promised us that through Jesus, we have a blessed eternal future secured. Our life’s circumstances can get hard and most likely they will. Our families may not look as we expected they would. Our relationships may be tricky to navigate. But the Lord gives us the endurance we need when we seek his lovingkindness. What a relief!
What is a huge challenge for you right now? Spend some time in prayer giving it to the LORD. May God’s peace fill and comfort your heart.
“Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “since I intend to show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all your grandfather Saul’s fields, and you will always eat meals at my table.” 2 Samuel 9:7 CSB